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Vivatmo for Doctors
Asthma biomarker FeNO

The Vivatmo system by Bosch

The first and only FeNO monitoring system connecting physicians and patients for individual, need-based therapy

Lung illustration in x-ray style on blue background with device Vivatmo me and pro

Vivatmo – system overview

Worldwide unique combination: FeNO in medical practice & FeNO at home

The Vivatmo system consisting of Vivatmo pro, me, digital asthma diary and checklist shown in a circle.
Adapted from Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA): Continuous cycle of personalized asthma management consisting of assessment, adjustment of treatment, and review. All steps are under the supervision of the treating physician.

FeNO measurement can significantly improve the diagnosis and therapy of asthma – this is evident from numerous studies, guidelines and case reports. Bosch Vivatmo measures the biomarker FeNO in exhaled breath simply and precisely. The Vivatmo system consist of:

  • Vivatmo promaintenance-free FeNO measurement device for use in practice and clinic
  • Vivatmo methe world's only FeNO home measurement device for patients and studies
  • Vivatmo app – asthma diary for patient’s FeNO values and other relevant asthma data
  • Vivatmo oxycap – disposable mouthpieces to ensure maximum hygiene and reliable results
Regarding FeNO, the combination of point-of-care and home measurement is unique worldwide. It opens up completely new dimensions in asthma management: Home monitoring provides the treating physician with more FeNO values over time and additional context information. This can enable more precise medication dosing as well as better control of adherence and exacerbations in dialogue with the patient.

Ideal duo: point-of-care and home measurement

Vivatmo pro: For professional FeNO measurement in clinic and practice
Vivatmo me: For FeNO measurement at home.
Vivatmo pro
Vivatmo me

What makes Vivatmo special?

The maintenance-free FeNO system connecting physicians and patients for better asthma management

Holistic system approach

Worldwide unique combination: FeNO in medical practice & FeNO at home for individual, need-based therapy in dialogue with the patient – for precise medication, better control of adherence and exacerbations.

Exceptional cost-efficiency

The Vivatmo system requires no recalibration, maintenance, or sensor exchange during the entire lifetime due to high-precision Bosch technology made in Germany.

Flexible operation

Portable, wireless handheld allows mobile measurements. Data is subsequently transmitted to Vivatmo app or basestation via Bluetooth.

Vivatmo pro – for medical practice and clinic

Asthma patient and pulmonologist measure FeNO value with the Vivatmo pro.
Asthma patient and pulmonologist measure FeNO value with the Vivatmo pro.
Vivatmo pro: Handgerät und Basisstation mit FeNO-Wert im Display
Vivatmo pro: Handheld and basestation with FeNO value in display.

Benefits of Vivatmo pro

Higher throughput and seamless integration into daily routines

Exceptionally cost-efficient system requiring no recalibration, maintenance, or sensor exchange during the entire lifetime (up to 5000 measurement trials) due to high-precision Bosch technology made in Germany.

  • Ergonomics similar to playing a flute: Patient exhales against light pressure through the mouthpiece into the handheld.
  • Two measurement modes: 10 seconds for adults and 6 seconds for children (7-11 years).
  • Two visualizations available to guide the user quickly and intuitively through the measurement maneuver.
  • FeNO values available right after the measurement.
  • If first attempt fails, Vivatmo pro is ready to measure again within 10 seconds.
  • Winner of the Red Dot Design Award.

  • Remote software updates available via Vivasuite connectivity solution.
  • Common interfaces and data exchange standards enable seamless IT integration: Wifi, USB, Ethernet, HL7, and GDT.
  • Patient data management system of up to 10,000 patient files, including export function and immediate printing.
  • Backups and optional user login to support data security in clinical environment.
  • Portable handheld can perform stand-alone measurements when not paired to basestation. Data is subsequently transmitted via Bluetooth.

  • Reduced infection risk due to easy cleaning, no inhalation through device, and highly efficient germ filter in disposable mouthpiece.
  • Cleaning with alcohol disinfectant wipes (max. 30%).
  • Bacterial filtration efficiency (BFE): 99.998%.
  • Viral filtration efficiency (VFE): 99.960%.

The entire Vivatmo system is climate-neutral through carbon offsets.

How does the FeNO measurement work?

FeNO measurement

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Learn more

Whether in medical practice or at home: FeNO measurement always works the same way – fast, simple, repeatable and not stressful. The video shows the procedure on the Vivatmo me patient device: The user exhales consistently through the mouthpiece into the handheld. After successful measurement, the result is immediately available.

What is FeNO?

Asthma is typically associated with chronic airway inflammation, which leads to increased NO production in the lower airways. The severity of the inflammation can be measured in exhaled air – as fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO). The value is expressed in parts per billion (ppb). FeNO has emerged as a key biomarker enabling modern, needs-based asthma therapy. It is quick and easy to perform at the point of care or at home.

FeNO home monitoring for better asthma management

We have always believed: FeNO home monitoring can be crucial in improving asthma therapy on the road to remission. That's why we put a lot of engineering effort and passion into developing the world's first and only FeNO home measurement device: Vivatmo me accompanied by the Vivatmo app digital asthma diary. Now evidence has advanced to the point where we are confident that FeNO@home can provide significant additional benefit: Collecting more asthma-related patient data over time can help in early detection of exacerbation risk, predicting ICS and biologic efficacy, improving adherence, as well as monitoring and optimizing medication. Therefore: Recommend the additional FeNO home measurement to your patients!

Frequent measurement of FeNO can help in the correct endotyping of severe asthmatic patients, allowing a personalized and precise choice of a biologic therapy.

Prof. Enrico Heffler, MD, PhD, Milan, Italy

Vivatmo oxycap for optimal hygiene

The Vivatmo oxycap is a high-quality disposable mouthpiece. It contains several complex filter layers. These reliably trap unwanted particles, bacteria, viruses and moisture before the breath reaches the measuring device. In this way, the mouthpiece optimally prepares the breath sample for the measurement process and ensures that the Vivatmo device remains clean and hygienic inside (BFE/VFE > 99.9%). Thanks to the natural ergonomics, using Vivatmo feels like playing the flute.

Filter layers in sample preparation

This website contains general product information about the Vivatmo system from Bosch. Not all products and their functions mentioned here are approved in every regional market. For a detailed description of the products and features as well as information on intended and safe use, please refer to your locally authorized Bosch distribution partner and the instructions for use that are valid for your country.